Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome To Affiliate INC

Welcome to Affiliate Inc blog. This blog is about my experiences in the affiliate marketing phenomenon. No I’m not a millionaire, No I’m not an Affiliate Marketing Guru, but I’ve been quite successful in the niche’s I’ve tried.
Really that’s why I’m writing this blog to give my insights to anyone who wants to read them and maybe even give someone the confidence to succeed in affiliate marketing. I really believe this can be a great business. The fact that you don’t need a shop only a computer and the internet and you’re away shows why people are flooding toward it.

For me it all started about 3 years ago. I became interested in internet marketing really as part of my personal rehabilitation after a work injury. I knew I was going to need a new job and really didn’t have that many skills. It seems to be a very common story however I did have a small advantage in that I was receiving a pension so I had time to learn and develop the skills required to make this thing work.
The first program I used I saw being spotlighted on a current affair show which was called “Easiest Home Business Ever” (EHBE). The program cost about $60.00 a month for a 13 month course which showed many ways of developing income though internet marketing. I found after 4 months the program just wasn’t for me and to be truthful was very expensive. That being said however it gave me a genuine insight into what was really required to market online. I knew I needed to do a lot more research. Being of the older generation I decided to buy a number of books on the subject, not just relying on what I could find on the internet. These books included,"31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles" by Tracey Lynn Repchuk,"Internet Wealth and E Riches2.0" by Scott Fox and one I bought by complete accident being,“How I Made My First Million On The Internet And How You Can To!” by Ewen Chia. I read each book diligently making copious notes and all the time learning this internet marketing thing.
Although the basic concepts are quite simple to be successful you really have to work at it which all the books I read conveyed this common theme. I found however the Ewen Chia's book to be outstanding with basic and easy to understand information on throughout which helped me to become invigorated and motivated to continue in the Online Marketing as a business. When I started with EHBE the information was quite confusing making the entire project seem impossible, However Ewen Chia’s book has a much better structure and learning base around it and infact genuinely motivated me to continue with trying to make my affiliate marketing goals work. At the time there was also a program called “Internet Millionaire System” which is the companion program for the book.

I’m sure the question you are probably asking yourself now is “Why would this guy be affiliate selling a product in what must the most saturated market on the net?
The simple answer is because I have had some good success in internet marketing over the past three years. However in order to get this success I had to battle with different programs that didn’t work. This has caused me to make many mistakes on the types of products to market, how to market and try to keep motivated when things just weren’t working. Now that I have had some real success I wanted to show that it really is possible to make an excellent living from internet marketing and that I am successful because I followed the guidelines of the a product that worked for me being the “Internet Millionaire System”.

Why am I recommending the Ewen Chia Book “How I made my first Million on the Internet and how you can to” and the companion program “Internet Millionaire System”
The main reasons I am recommending these particular products from Ewen Chia are simply because I have used the them and it has worked for me. I’m happy with them and believe many other people would also benefit from them. No I’m not a millionaire, far from it. But I’m happy with the profits I’m making from my websites developed with strategies I’ve used from this System. The profits are still increasing and look I’m still learning all the time. What I’m trying to say here is online marketing essentially can work and it isn’t hard.
The cost of the program is affordable at $97.00USD and is very cheap compared to programs such as ”Easiest Home Business Ever” and many others . Overall from what I’ve seen of other programs reporting similar goals its middle of the range but certainly not what I would call expensive. There are cheaper programs and yes I haven’t tried all of them so I can’t say whether they’re better or not. However the cliché of you get what you pay for comes to mind about these products if you’re not careful.
I have been recently reviewing what appears to be a great product from Jeff Walker called “Product Launch Formula 3”, The sales presentation is slick and highly professional, whereby he show his marketing formula which involves a multi traffic targeting, developing lists etc with a one off price of $1999.00 US. Look it sounds like a great product if not a little expensive however, I was really interested in the way it was marketed. I found a number of things very interesting including that enzinearticles.com recommended it with their newsletter which is very rare. I also found once I went through the videos and looked at the diagram of the blueprint I realised Jeff was using this formula to sell his product to us “down write in-genius“ Have a look at it yourself on www.productlaunchformula.com and go through the videos, I’m sure you’ll see where I’m coming from. I was also very interested that Jeff Walker states in one of the videos that unless you are actively developing a list you are a treating online marketing as a hobby and you cannot be successful. Every piece of research I’ve seen on internet marketing stresses this point.
If you’ve been able to read Ewen Chia’s book How I Made My First Million On The Internet and How You Can Too”, you’ll notice this basic formula is there is also.
It’s funny you know when I started my initial marketing campaigns I thought why do I really need the lists? I marketed my sites on things like electrical products, books etc and didn’t see the need to start a list as most of the sites I was competing against didn’t have them. Guess what my sales were dismal. However there were other reasons including the fact that most of my suppliers as an affiliate where also my competition including the biggies like Amazon.com and Buy.com. After a while and after receiving lackluster sales I changed my strategies. I did create a list for a simple website on scrapbook books. The beauty of this I found was being able to recommend other books to people who had visited my site previously. I didn’t realise the opportunity and to a certain extent control of having repeat sales to my site until then. Look the site is still not a great money earner but its basic blueprint worked. This basic plan is the core in many of the programs I had read up on including the one I finally settled on being the Internet Millionaire System. “
How I wanted Internet Marketing to work for ME!
As I previously told you I started originally with internet marketing after watching a program showcasing a program called “Easiest Home Business Ever” One of the things that really interested me one of its video tutorials was along the lines that if you only sell one item per day worth around $10.00 on one website at the end of a month you will have earned $300.00. I loved that idea and my goal was exactly that and have 30 websites doing the same. I wasn’t greedy. I worked this out on how much work it took to get my first website to work and what I wanted to earn to not have to have a fulltime job. Over the next year that exactly what I did and that’s where I’m at currently. Yes that is a lot more than I was earning at my full time job, but I needed to factor in things like paying off my mortgage, having a real life away from work and putting money back into the business for things like advertising, website maintainance and so on. Can I be even more successful. You bet. I haven’t even gotten to the stage of developing my own products. I really haven’t had a need or desire to. Will I spend $1995.00 on a program like Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula V3? No. Not because I don’t believe it would work but more so because I am happy where I am right now.
There is a common misconception that internet marketing's not as easy as it sounds. Really overall its a very easy business to start and run and can be very successful. But it is a business and needs to be run as one. It requires the genuine dedication any business does. If you’re not willing to put the effort you can’t hope to be successful.
When I first started really getting into online marketing in particular affiliate marketing I noticed most affiliate marketing programs had a section on maintaining self belief and motivation. To be honest I thought this was all crap. However after being involved in the industry and developing a successful business I have found at times myself saying “this isn’t working?, Why am I doing this? I’m getting nowhere?”
The fact is over 90% of all people starting Affiliate Marketing give up. They become disillusioned with the lack of success, they realise the genuine work that is required to develop traffic is a lot , the difficulty in finding the right products to market and who to believe when buying programs that assist in developing a online business. All too quickly when they realise what is truly behind mounting a successful marketing campaign and it all becomes too much.
Part of motivating yourself should be keeping in mind that you can have a very lucrative business for next to no cost whatsoever. There really aren’t many other businesses that have little to no start up fees but that is what is really possible with affiliate marketing.
Run your websites as you would a business. How much would you pay for a shopfront for stock, yellow page advertising, newspaper, magazine and internet advertising and work back from there.
One of the first mistakes I made was not spending money on traffic generation, I relied completely on free traffic advertising which can be very time consuming and although can work very well can also take time to develop.
You should develop a strategy incorporating both free and paid traffic generation. I use exclusively Google Adwords. Which has worked for me but it can get expensive if you’re not careful with it.

When you take a step back you do realise though if you do have some previous business experience overall the possibility of success in this marketplace is a real possibility.

Another fact is that all the information you need to be successful as an Online Affiliate Marketer is actually there and free. You really just need to know where to look and have the time to find it. However most people haven’t the time to do this form of research and that’s where buying a program and having all this information available becomes an attractive option. The question is the Which One Do I Choose?

For more information about The Internet Millionaire System, please visit my website at http://www.makemillionsonlinenow.com/
Thankyou for visiting my bog Affiliate inc your feedback would be great so I can continue and maybe answer some questions you may have and help you start your product sales campaigns.